Not tied by the Singapore Open consolations which take place on 26 and 27 May, Jack and I went for the Friday Evening game on 25 May and emerged a reasonable fifth...
I suppose we've got a lot of 9s and 8.5, but at the same time, let down by our lack of understanding of each other's bidding sequence which result in lots of 2.5s and 3s as well.
However, I suppose there are some fun boards and these two are the ones in which we reached slam where very few other pairs have bid them:-
In this all-vul board, I was sitting south and I was holding
S K2
H -Void-
D QJ9762
C JT873
East was the dealer and started with a weak 2H. Holding such a weak hand, it would be best to pass and bid only when North shows a strong hand. West raises the bid to 4H and North doubles, for penalties. East then passes.
It is my turn to make a decision, pass or correct? Having a void in hearts, it would be reasonable to think that West has a 2-carder heart support for East and my partner is doubling with strength in hearts. However, my hand lacked defensive values and believing that my opps will call on reasonable heart strength, I deduce that it would be of a better chance if I were to enter into the auction. What would you do here?
After quite a long pause, I bid 4NT, asking Jack to choose a minor. This time while, Jack took an even longer time, as he was holding:
S A9863
H 7
C AK96
Reasoning that 4Hx would be a good profit that values more than a game, Jack went 6C, with the mentality of getting a clear top or bottom. And it bodes well, as we are the only pair to reach this contract, partly helped by our opps' pushing. The entire distribution are as follows:-
_______________________________S A9863
_______________________________H 7
_______________________________D AT3
_______________________________C AK96
S JT74___________________________________S Q5
H AQ943__________________________________H KJT8652
D 85_____________________________________D K4
C Q5_____________________________________C 42
_______________________________ S K2
_______________________________ H -Void-
_______________________________D QJ9762
_______________________________C JT873
Next, I shall discuss the other board where only two pairs reached 6S... Not a fantastic contract where some pairs fail to garner 12 tricks in 4S.
In this hand, I'm sitting East where N-S are vulnerable. The cards I'm holding are:
D J3
C K4
As the dealer, I opened 1H, intending to reverse 2S for whatever my p calls. South passes and Jack bids 1S. Getting excited by the bid, I called 4C, meant as a splinter. I have read in a book that it is worthwhile to bid Kx as a splinter bid in situations where Ace is onside (50%) and when my p holds at least a Queen or Ace in his holding, making it more than 50%. Jack quite a while to think before he bids 4NT, meant as RKCB. A reply of 5S shows two aces and queen of spades, enough for him to push the auction to 6S.
And how hard it is a contract to be when the layout is as follows:-
_______________________________S 432
_______________________________H T8
_______________________________D T4
_______________________________C AQJT52
S K8765_______________________________________S AQT9
H 43__________________________________________H AQJ92
D AQ952_______________________________________D J3
C 3___________________________________________C K4
_______________________________ S J
_______________________________ H K765
_______________________________ D K876
_______________________________ C 9876
Luckily Jack did not take the heart finesse and opted to discard a heart on King of clubs (Ace of club led by North btw) and a ruffing finesse of hearts with dime finesse + establishment led to the making of 6S. Sadly another pair found it and we had to settle for a 8.5.
More boards coming up soon!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
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