Yesterday played the Friday weekly game with Yiwen... and our partnership hasn't played for so long... given yiwen hasn't played a bridge game in berkeley and i've lost touch of scba for such a long time... evident when ppl start asking us what have we been up to these days...
And soon came to the second board, where I was sitting south and holding
Bidding goes:-
South opens
Pass 1C Pass 1D
Double 2C Pass Pass
Double Pass 2S 3C
3S! All pass
and ok... as I couldn't remember the exact layout (sorry if anyone could point out the mistakes), it was a bad bid to go up 3S with such a balanced hand (having shown my hand through the 2 doubles) and i should let it pass considering it is all vulnerable. Bad mistake on my part. Down 2.
Nothing spectacular took place until fortunes took over at this board (all non-vul)
I, sitting east, was holding:-
I was pleasantly surprised when North called 1S, having me holding a 5-carder headed by king in the suit, and happily I overcalled 2H. South called 3C and my partner jumped to 4H. North soon followed with a reluctant raise to 4S. Having not known of any support from partner and my partner having some values in justifying her jump to 4H, I doubled. My partner soon pulled to 5H, attracting a double from North.
Dummy came out following a king dime lead and here it is
The North put up with a 8 dime (perhaps his lowest useless dime to showcase an odd count signal) and I put up with a 9 dime. Luckily, dime was not continued and I err-ed in covering the queen club lead with the king, only to be eaten up by the ace of club. A club is led back and soon I cross-ruffed to this position (having discovered South had 5 clubs and North had 5 spades, all are guarded).
A low spade was led and horrors of horrors, south threw his club guard and my club 6 was good to cover the dime loser. Trumps broke 1-1 and 5Hx= made for a top board! Woohoo!
So it isn't hard to imagine our "beginners' luck" had brought us to the 1st position. (and tied with Jack/Chengyen)... had to play better and get rid of stupid mistakes!!! ganbatte!
And jiayou zehan for the trials!!! U can do it!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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