Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Fearsome Jack!

Had pretty good fun at the NICKO first round. Playing at full efficiency in the first half (against pretty decent opponents), we were leading by 33 points capped by some nasty overbidding by the opponents (well pushed by dave and me on one side), and a tricky overbid 3NT (overbidding by dave) made by me under some tricky conditions and fooling the opponents upside down.

SO... here's some bidding action (as witnessed by me)...

You are sitting North (vul vs non-vul) and holding...

The bidding goes:-
East 2C (showing at least 5-4 in Majors, 7-11 pts)
South (Dave) 2D (Natural Overcall 10+)
West (after a long pause) 3NT

What would you bid?

Trusting Dave's conservative bidding style in vulnerable conditions, I would believe that we had the major share of the points, with him holding at least a 5 card dime holding headed by an Ace, with perhaps some HCPs in the other 3 suits even spread out. The opps club suit may run up to 6 or 7 tricks and West should be holding at least a Kx stop in dimes to bid a 3NT. Doubling 3NT is likely to be passed out for -2 or -3 while Dave and I could very well have a perfect diamond fit, with a loser in club and dime each. The two aces are too important to be ignored.

And therefore comes the 5D bid which went passed out.

It turns out that Dave has a super "conjugate" hand...

Cold 6D with just a club loser!! If I was Dave, I could have easily bid the 6D given the perfect hand... Too bad this was the first time we are playing together to reach such a situation.

Yet another slam hand...

It is all non-vul. You are sitting South and holds:-

East opens 1H and what would you do in this case?

An aggressive 3C bid comes in and West puts in 4C, showing good support, and asking for slam try. Partner bids 5C and East comes in with 5H. South gladly passes and West went 6H. After quite a pause, Dave bid 7C which is eventually doubled, of course!

Ace Heart lead came and Dave smiled in his automatic 7C bid, which is:-

Eventually it went 2 off, not quite a bad result on first look, as we would deduce 6H is cold... Here are West's and East's hands respectively.



Given that I am leading, a diamond lead would come and it would be down one automatically!

Yet on the other table, our teammates are playing 6H but it is west as the declarer. No ruff, no issue as 6H is cold on the layout. West cleared all the suits (except leaving a heart on each side), discarding a spade on the dime and is left with in spades 9xx opposite AQ7.

A small spade is played towards the AQ7, where a small from South would automatically subject North to being endplayed (where he is forced to give a ruff-and-discard or sending into the tenace). South is alert enough to play the Jack. What would you do as the declarer?

Several options lie ahead:-
1. Take the ace and hopes for King drop.
2. Play the queen and hopes that King is with South
3. Play small and hopes for King overtake (given it is singleton - same as 1).
4. Play the queen and if North is to win with King, finesse for 10 on the North (as by principle of restriction South has played the Jack).

As ridiculous as it may sound, playing the queen offers the best chances, which sadly our teammates probably panicked at the sight of Jack and forgot about the important 9!!! We end up having -50 - 300 = -350, instead of probably having +980 + 50 = 1030!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Recent BBO Action

How I've missed the recent BBO action as Cambridge apparantly bans it... quite not a useful stance since I've missed out on a lot of practising, but well the bridge action week-in-and-out is enough is to compensate for the fun on BBO!

So now I'm back in Singapore... the first thing to do is to BBO! Still the same old place it is!
And lucky to have played with chieh hwee and jack da pro + some random parnters yday! Just some boards for interest...

You are sitting West and holding:-

And you heard your partner opened 1D! Your RHO passed and a bid of 1H came. LHO doubled and out of nowhere, your LHO bid 4H! Not any all descriptive, but it would promise a lot of points - at least 16-18 pts and 4 hearts. With 13 HCP in your hand and a potential useful void, what do you do next?

Here, I was considering a bid of 5C, which wouldn't have been taken as voidwood and most likely a cue bid, which would potentially be dangerous as i missed the 4S bid (yet it would be imperative to know about the diamond control if you would want anything higher); a 4NT bid that asks for RK, which is slightly more useful; or a direct jump to 6H. I chose the last option and is rewarded when i missed out on just the ace of trumps!

Partner is in fact holding a hand of this as it turns out:-

Total of 15 count, which is already a risk in itself to jump 4. A slow jump to 3H and exploration from there would be useful if it happens to be:-

Well, at least we did find the right contract, so i'm not complaining too much!

Since I have the particular penchant for slam, let's consider the board I've played with Chieh Hwee, though there aren't many decision makings on her side. Your RHO opens 3S (weak), what do you bid with this hand?


4 loser hand in itself, it would be fully justifiable to open 2C on itself or a 4D opening bid if you do play such system. But with a 3S opening ahead of you, 4D bid might well be passed out considering if your partner has an average hand of around 8 pts and you might have a minimum of 14 points in all with 5 card diamond. Yet, if you are going to bid on 5D, you might be missing out a slam considering that your partner may well be holding two key aces and some dimes. I chose a 6D bid as a result (hoping for an average hand and some good breaks) cos any other bids would have been too off.

As it turns out, my partner (stunned!) is holding such:-

First spade was cashed out by the opps, and after a long thought a club is played and I finessed -> down 1! Forced to finesse considering the heart break won't be QJ doubleton and as it turns out I'm one solid entry short to enjoy my extra club length as it happens to be King to 3 xs on RHO. Anyway interestingly, 4 bid 6Ds, 4 bid 5Ds and 2 on 4Ds - same exact sequence that happened!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Break from hiatus of weekly games

Yesterday played the Friday weekly game with Yiwen... and our partnership hasn't played for so long... given yiwen hasn't played a bridge game in berkeley and i've lost touch of scba for such a long time... evident when ppl start asking us what have we been up to these days...

And soon came to the second board, where I was sitting south and holding


Bidding goes:-

South opens
Pass 1C Pass 1D
Double 2C Pass Pass
Double Pass 2S 3C
3S! All pass

and ok... as I couldn't remember the exact layout (sorry if anyone could point out the mistakes), it was a bad bid to go up 3S with such a balanced hand (having shown my hand through the 2 doubles) and i should let it pass considering it is all vulnerable. Bad mistake on my part. Down 2.

Nothing spectacular took place until fortunes took over at this board (all non-vul)

I, sitting east, was holding:-


I was pleasantly surprised when North called 1S, having me holding a 5-carder headed by king in the suit, and happily I overcalled 2H. South called 3C and my partner jumped to 4H. North soon followed with a reluctant raise to 4S. Having not known of any support from partner and my partner having some values in justifying her jump to 4H, I doubled. My partner soon pulled to 5H, attracting a double from North.

Dummy came out following a king dime lead and here it is


The North put up with a 8 dime (perhaps his lowest useless dime to showcase an odd count signal) and I put up with a 9 dime. Luckily, dime was not continued and I err-ed in covering the queen club lead with the king, only to be eaten up by the ace of club. A club is led back and soon I cross-ruffed to this position (having discovered South had 5 clubs and North had 5 spades, all are guarded).



A low spade was led and horrors of horrors, south threw his club guard and my club 6 was good to cover the dime loser. Trumps broke 1-1 and 5Hx= made for a top board! Woohoo!

So it isn't hard to imagine our "beginners' luck" had brought us to the 1st position. (and tied with Jack/Chengyen)... had to play better and get rid of stupid mistakes!!! ganbatte!

And jiayou zehan for the trials!!! U can do it!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The disaster round

It was the crucial match against Forza, first match of the day. Let's look at some of the hands (this time not from me, but from my partner) and see how well you will fare.

Board 1:

You are holding

Your LHO opens 2D (Multi), meaning weak 2 in major or strong/balanced. Your p overcalls 2S and RHO passes. What will you bid?

Given that your partner insists on spades in the second round of auction, will you support spades or insist on your strong club suits?

This is what goes on at the table. Zehan bids 3C (new suit force) and I bid 3S, to show 6 good carder spades. A 4NT RK revealed two keycards without queen and a 6S comes.

Nothing wrong on the surface... but when the cards are shown, I'm astounded to see 6 good clubs sitting in front of me. 7C is cold. Indeed, it is with this adventurous spirit that saw the auction went to the cold 7C contract by our opps (though the bidding isn't scientific at all)

2H 2S P 3H(1)
P 4S P 4NT (2)
P 5H P 7C!

(1) Strong, Cue Suit
(2) RK in spades

This meant a 10-imp swing to the opps, right at the first board.

On further thinking, I realised our bidding system is so scientific as compared to our dear opps. This is what I will suggest (If my dear p is imaginative and a little more daring enough, since we surely have game values)

2H 2S P 3C (f1)
P 3S P 4C (insist)
P 4NT P 5D (1/4 kc)
P 5H P 5NT (queen with nothing else)
P 7C!

since East has


and the 4NT asking revealed 4 keycards (aka the three aces and trump king) and 1 trump queen. This surely needs no invitation to the 7 level even if West's hand has 5 or 6 clubs.

Another board in question will be board 10.

You are holding


Your p opens 1D, you bid 1H and your LHO bids 2S. Partner bids 4H and after a long thought, RHO bids 4S. Should you bid 5H, double or pass?

The answered will be revealed at my next post.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Updates about ASEAN Open Pairs

Date: Third day in Manila.

Event: Mixed Pairs (which zehan and i happily did not need to take part)

Let me update about the ASEAN Open Pairs that took place yesterday, which compromised of the afternoon and evening sessions. Overall, it was riddled with little mistakes which could have been avoided, but these are points where we know we can learn from. (Since we are in the process of learning and re-learning about our play and defence)

The first session ended well... Though some mistakes could have been avoided (1st session with zehan)... but did badly in a board where the opps psyche and i failed to cover the 10 in dummy, resulting in 5D= for the opps where it shld be cold down 2 by the normal lead of A, K spade and a small spade for ruff? This in fact acted as a wake-up call for us as we moved to the next board.

East-west = us (non-vul against vul)

Sitting east and as the dealer, I'm dealt these hand:-


Oh! What a hand! A 5-loser hand, with a beautiful 6-5 shape and 11 of 13 pts in the main suits, it may appeal to some as a 'reverse' strong hand. However, looking at this hand, I decided that I shall call 1S first in the event where there might be a mis-fit and thus I will show my 'second' suit at a cheap level. This might cost though, if my partner had 3 hearts and 2 spades. But, this will come at an advantage when opps interfere and my heart suit can be afforded to be announced (given that opps interference is most likely in the minor suits)

And this move paid off. South passes, and my p bids 2S. North comes in with 3C and here comes the bid 3H. In the event when West had both heart and spade support, 3S will be an awkward bid esp given my p's strength is 6-8 pts. Next comes 5C and my partner, seeing a double fit in hearts and spades passes, allowing me to decide. My hand with so much offensive values, will certainly not tolerate that. A 5H bid here shows 6 spades and 5 hearts, and without any doubt, my partner raises me to 6S on a maximum of 8 pts! Of course, with so little high-card values, South doubles.

And South is supposed to lead from this hand:-


An A dime lead sees the dummy as follows:-


... and the Queen dime fell. North of course played a low card, showing a discouraging signal. South is supposed to lead again. the question is:- a dime continuation or a club? East could easily be a 6-5-2-0 hand a the club lead may give away a ruff, while queen dime play here from doubleton by East is common to dissuade North from cashing his winning trick. With this mentality, East continued with a dime and 6S doubled makes! A nice yet hard-earned top board!

With this board, our confidence swung up and it was to no surprise that we were in fact leading our section at the break...
Boards to be discussed for the second half:-
My Mistakes:-
Board 1: 2NT+1 by opps
Board 4: 2Hx-4 by me (corresponds to my p's blog name ya?)
Nice boards played:-
Board 18: 6S=
Board 24: 6C+1 (how come not top?)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

At Philippines

Hello everyone!

Long time no blog!

Haha... at the advice of our great pros Jack and Kelvin, I shall resume blogging over here!

First up, I will just bring you a hand randomly shuffled by me.

I was holding this hand (assuming no interference)


Partner opens 1D. You called 2S, as a strong jumpshift, promising 16+ and 5+ spades. Parnter calls 3C. What do you respond?

1. 3H, part of 4th suit forcing?
2. 3S, insist on your own suit.
3. Give up! 3NT!
4. Quantitative raise to 4NT. Or asking for keycard, depending the way u play it?

If one bids 3H, a 4C/4D bid will come next and 4NT may come to find aces/kings. As for a 3S bid, your partner would be unlikely to give up and bid 4C/4D, propelling one to a final 4NT ask, or perhaps a stop in 4S? (Heart suit surprisingly not shown at all!) 3NT? Unless you are so pro and know that a disaster might be coming? I would prefer 4NT directly though! (it makes little difference here... haha)

And after all the keycard asking, your partner bids his 2 aces and 1 king. And you decided that maybe due to communication problems, 6NT will be a sensible spot. However partner may decide he has much more values than promised as he is holding:


Well it seems a 7 that could not be avoided and doomed, where 6NT is the best possible contract with 12 top tricks... what a interesting hand! (Of course it is because my deck was new and little shuffling has been done... :-) )

More updates soon after the Open Pairs (if my p lets me blog more!) Maybe pictures! And anyway the Filipinos are very friendly in their reception! We even got some 'garlands'... haha... Great thanks to them!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Slam Galore

Ok... shall start updating my bridge corner since Jack insisted he is the most loyal supporter of my blog... haha... anyway shall update the few slams that I've seen these few days... See how u will bid it!

Friday game (20/07/2007)

Board 10 (Dealer East, Vul: Both)

You are holding West hands:


And surprise out of surprises, your partner preempted 2S! Given that South does not interfere or double, how do u intend to bid and find a possible slam in your hands?

If one plays ogust which is quite common due to the occasional weak suit preempts, a 2NT call will beget a 3H response, which shows upper range of preemptive points and poor suit quality. This shouldn't deter u from continuing the enquiry of his hand. But would you choose 4C, which is cue-bid, 5C, which can be taken as voidwood or other bids that you may think is relevant here?

If one plays 1st/2nd round control (meaning only A/K) cue bid, a 4C bid would be best to see whether your partner holds the King. However if 2nd round control includes singleton or only 1st rd control is to be shown, I would prefer a 5C bid to enquire regarding the King spade and if East does have it, continue the heart enquiry with 5NT (specific king ask) or 6H (direct asking). Then it would be a decision between 6 or 7.

In the Friday game played, Yiwen bids a 6S directly over the double due to our lack in partnership understanding. Still it is a good move considering two tables reach only 4S though all tables made 13 tricks.

However, let's imagine if South has called a 5C bid. What would you bid on?
X - obviously as a "I am strong. Pls bid on!" signal
5S- Hmm... I'm not sure whether your preemptive is sound. Just wanna make sure our game isn't snatched away...
6C- I would seriously prefer this bid. Hopefully partner will take it as full support for spades, club void and pls bid any 1st/2nd rd control in hearts/dimes u have(considering no wasted values in clubs as well). Thus a 7S will be reached.

For your information, East's hand:


Shall update more!
Gotta sleep le!