Sunday, June 3, 2007

Vesak Day Special

Finally had a reunion with my dear partner Zehan after a close-to-one-month of hiatus... Dunno how we did (coz we left for our SICC League match soon after the special) but it was quite a comfortable performance...

Our first top board came as a result of opps mistake rather than good play on our part:-

East was holding:

S 4
D A953

Usually this warrants an opening of 1H, but Liu chooses to open on a 1NT, considering it is N-S Vul and an opening of 1NT may find our side missing game coz it is usually hard to overcall on 1NT. His partner bids a 2H (jacoby xfer to spades) and Liu bids 2NT as no spade support, minimum hand. His partner seeing no fit in spades and yet having values bid 3NT.

And I, sitting south, was holding this hand:

H 974
D 4
C 9863

A lead of King spade saw him ducking the first trick and I continued thereafter with the Queen of spade taken by the ace, at the same time shocked that he has only a spade in his 1NT balanced opening. After cashing the other top 8 tricks, he has to concede control to my p who has a totally wondering dime holding. +600 for this board for them!

Looks like a whole good deal when 5H is making.

West was holding:

S AT762
H T532
D Q7

One dime and one spade to be lost on normal play. In this case, West could have called a 2C (stayman) to ask for a possible heart fit. In any case, 4H could have been easily found.

Our next board came as a result of some luck which gave us an unbeatable top. (Board 13, more to be discussed)

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