Saturday, July 21, 2007

Slam Galore

Ok... shall start updating my bridge corner since Jack insisted he is the most loyal supporter of my blog... haha... anyway shall update the few slams that I've seen these few days... See how u will bid it!

Friday game (20/07/2007)

Board 10 (Dealer East, Vul: Both)

You are holding West hands:


And surprise out of surprises, your partner preempted 2S! Given that South does not interfere or double, how do u intend to bid and find a possible slam in your hands?

If one plays ogust which is quite common due to the occasional weak suit preempts, a 2NT call will beget a 3H response, which shows upper range of preemptive points and poor suit quality. This shouldn't deter u from continuing the enquiry of his hand. But would you choose 4C, which is cue-bid, 5C, which can be taken as voidwood or other bids that you may think is relevant here?

If one plays 1st/2nd round control (meaning only A/K) cue bid, a 4C bid would be best to see whether your partner holds the King. However if 2nd round control includes singleton or only 1st rd control is to be shown, I would prefer a 5C bid to enquire regarding the King spade and if East does have it, continue the heart enquiry with 5NT (specific king ask) or 6H (direct asking). Then it would be a decision between 6 or 7.

In the Friday game played, Yiwen bids a 6S directly over the double due to our lack in partnership understanding. Still it is a good move considering two tables reach only 4S though all tables made 13 tricks.

However, let's imagine if South has called a 5C bid. What would you bid on?
X - obviously as a "I am strong. Pls bid on!" signal
5S- Hmm... I'm not sure whether your preemptive is sound. Just wanna make sure our game isn't snatched away...
6C- I would seriously prefer this bid. Hopefully partner will take it as full support for spades, club void and pls bid any 1st/2nd rd control in hearts/dimes u have(considering no wasted values in clubs as well). Thus a 7S will be reached.

For your information, East's hand:


Shall update more!
Gotta sleep le!

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